Noongar Boodja
“Ngalak ngaank nitja Boodja”
This land is our mother.
South West region of Western Australia
The Noongar Land Enterprise (NLE) Group is a not-for-profit, Aboriginal led grower group. We are based in Western Australia’s South West region (traditionally known as Noongar Boodja) and we are the first Aboriginal grower group in Australia. For over 65,000 years, the Aboriginal people of Australia have been strongly connected to country with a deep understanding of time, place and culture. This knowledge of country and its resources (plants, animals, water, landscape, sky) have allowed Aboriginal people to meet our needs for food, shelter, clothing and medicines, contributing to our legacy as the oldest continuous culture on Earth. This connection and understanding of country has promoted a wealth of unique tools, weapons, arts, crafts and ceremonial objects to practice, teach and celebrate our culture.
In recent decades, the Noongar people (Aboriginal people of Noongar Boodja) have been motivated to reclaim and rejuvenate our relationship with country, but to also develop land-based businesses to promote our economic independence. This has led to owning and managing contemporary primary production (livestock, grain) and exploring innovative enterprises on our land such as, bush foods, honey, sandalwood, cultural tourism and social services such as return to work and youth training programs).
In 2014, a group of Noongar landholders formed a grower group called the Noongar Land Enterprise group (NLE group). The purpose of becoming a group was to benefit from a collective approach on the pathway from passive to active land management involving business enterprise development on Noongar Land. The group became incorporated in 2017, and currently represents six Noongar landholding groups located on country with high rainfall, and a high production potential. In time, it is expected that the membership of our group will grow with the addition of 24 Noongar properties located within Noongar Boodja.
The NLE logo depicts the Noongar six seasons. Each segment is a different colour which represents a season as explained below.
BIRAK - December to January
• Green, blue, orange, yellow • Hot and dry with easterly winds during the day.
BUNURU - February to March
• Yellow, orange, red • With hot easterly and northerly winds.
DJERAN - April to May
• Red, brown, grey • Becoming cooler with winds from the southwest.
MAKURU - June to July
• Grey, black • Cold and wet with westerly gales.
DJILBA - August to September
• Black, blue, green • Becoming warmer.
KAMBARANG - October to November
• Blue, green • Rain decreasing.
The artwork also represents the landholding groups coming together and working together as Noongar people. The figurine and style (dots) are a reference to the Aboriginality of the group. Logo artist, Leanne Zilm.
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Follow us @NLEgroup