
Our members are well placed to capitalise on new markets in Asia, particularly China, where high quality Western Australian produced honey, and in particular Indigenous produced honey, is highly sought after. Honey sourced from Western Australian Jarrah, as well as some other plant species, has been shown to have antimicrobial benefits, and other health promoting properties.

The potential for this type of honey to receive prices well above other types of honey could be compared to the success of Manuka honey. In the coming months, we aim to have a supply agreement with a West Australian honey producer to supply a small amount of Indigenous produced honey for the Chinese market. Honey is a natural fit for our properties particularly given the focus of landholders to protect remnant vegetation and to rehabilitate areas of native flora suitable for honey bee populations. Our members are currently engaged in bee-keeper training, trialling honey production with hives, constructing hives and receiving guidance and information from an experienced Noongar Apiarist.